Women in Discipleship (sm)
Weekly Devotionals 2005
Week 50
As we reach the end of yet another year I’m reminded of the passage in Revelation 22:7.
Scripture to ponder: Revelation 22:7: And behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the Words of the prophecy of this book.”
The words “coming quickly” ring out. It’s another year closer to the “coming quickly” and I am concerned that many still need to hear the Words of this Book of books, the Holy inspired Word of God.
Pondering the earthly life of Jesus brings a joy to my heart. He fulfilled all the desires of His Father and in this is love that Christ died for us. This is the Greatest Gift ever!
Jesus spoke the words in our verse to ponder. His Word is truth. Blessed is everyone who “heeds” the words of the Bible.
In the coming year we will begin a new series of devotionals and our focus will be on several significant Books of the Bible. For those of you who like Inductive Study you can print out the devotion and study more in-depth. For those of you who read these weekly devotionals for inspiration and encouragement I think you will enjoy the weekly “life lessons very much.
My desire for us all is to grow daily more and more in love with our First Love, Jesus Christ. And with this Love comes victory and joy.
I will share more next week. If you have a friend who might enjoy these devotionals I would encourage you to forward these messages to them.
As you ponder the birth of Jesus and all the wonder of the God Man remember dear ones, He again is “Coming Soon.”
Love and blessings to all,
Sandra Davis and the Ministry team at Women in Discipleship