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Weekly Devotional from May 29, 2006

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Women in Discipleship (sm)
Weekly Devotionals 2006
Week 17
"But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you all know. I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it, and because no lie is of the truth."    1 John 2: 20-21
Have you noticed how important it is to read the Word of God as a whole story? It's like partaking of a piece of fruit one plug at a time and being nourished one taste at a time continually enjoying the whole text.
Last week we read verses 18-19 where John talks about those who were among them but were not believers. They left because they were not redeemed.
This week the verses talk about the redeemed of the Lord. John tells his flock why he knows they are of Christ. The key is the "anointing from the Holy One." What did Jesus promise to those who believe in Him? (1 John 2:27; Acts 1: 8; 2:4) The true believer is filled with the Holy Spirit! John's writing to the believers was to encourage them in the faith. He knew that life would be challenging and that some would try to come in to the fellowship with the intent (knowing or ignorantly) to distract, pervert, set up, undermine the pure ministry of the preaching, teaching and administering of the Gospel message that Jesus so clearly taught.
Now it is important to understand that the gift of the Holy Spirit is instrumental in the life of true faith. The Holy Spirit teaches, convicts, encourages, comforts and directs the believer. It is up to the believer to be in the Word and in prayer diligently! The Holy Spirit works clearly through a heart that is in tune with Christ's teaching and leading. Do not be led to believe that you do not need to study the Word and pray for the Holy Spirit to direct. The Bible is the plum line to accurate truth and full Spirit leading. If a person makes decisions on emotional feelings beware. The anti-Christ's lie is in this notion. The question is: Does the decision being made line up with the full counsel of God's Holy Word? Does it bring glory to God alone!
What has distracted you from spending time in the Word and sharing with others the joy of your salvation and growth in Jesus your Savior?
Are you sure that you have given your life to Jesus Christ in repentance, admission of your sin, acceptance of Jesus full payment for your sinfulness and embraced His love for you? (Romans 3:23; 6:23; Ephesians 2:8-10)
If you have then you have been given the Anointing from the Holy One!
May the Lord Himself encourage you as you walk in His Light today and every day.
Blessings to all,
Sandra Davis for the WinD. team


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