Women in Discipleship (sm)
Weekly devotionals 2006
Week 24
"Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. You know that He appeared in order o take away sins; and in Him there is no sin."
1 John 3:4-5
Have you noticed that lately the line between truth and fiction has become even more cloudy? I have. It is quite obvious that in America a shift in Gospel truth has occurred. Many a sermon today is marked by a feel good, sugar coated gospel of love, inclusiveness and shallow belief. John saw this 2000 years ago so yes as Solomon of old stated: "there is nothing new under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1:9c)
A stark and ominous contrast occurs for us in these verses. The last few weeks have been filled with heavenly hope and blessing. Now this!
Let's get serious here and see what John is so passionately teaching his flock.
John is making a clear statement. An unbelieving approach to the issue of sin is clear. What God says in His word is truth. Sin is described all over the pages of Scripture. God has given to us a timeless manuscript to take to heart forever. Just because there are some that say that certain sin is now acceptable because God is a God of love are simply not listening and heeding the mandates as taught in the Bible. It's not my law it's His!
Tolerance is preached today. Tolerance for sinful behavior is the order of the day. We are to allow these sinful practices to be overlooked in order to reach these poor misguided individuals whatever their perversion. Jesus knew that the sin was the trap. The person needed to turn from the sin and be set free. To embrace the sin is to buy the lie. This is lawlessness.
John makes it clear…If a person chooses to practice sin that person is lawless…without Christ. Jesus can't look upon sin because His nature is Holy. The root of sin must be gone. We all struggle with sin but the key is to flee the sin and run into the arms of Jesus striving to not sin again. To buy the lie is lawlessness. How careful we all must be to hate the sin and love the sinner. Repentance is not an easy topic to preach on but it is absolutely essential to true faith and freedom in Christ.
We are given a clear order. Do not practice sin. What are you entangled in that may need to be cleansed before holy God today?
Jesus has paid the price for our sinfulness. We need to run to Him. How can you receive comfort in Him today in your present struggle?
We will be learning lots more regarding all these things in the weeks ahead. This Epistle continues to open up for us the Pathway of walking in Holiness.
Until we gather around the Word next week…Enjoy Jesus today!
Sandy Davis for the WinD team