WALK OF GRACE - My Spiritual Service of Worship
(Taken from the Walk of Grace Study by Sandra J. Mikler Davis)
I believe those who know and seek God are pure in heart and desire to know God more personally.
They are people who the Lord will satisfy in His special and abundant way.
They praise the Lord continually and do not fear the circumstances of life.
They rejoice in God, because He is their Savior, and they know that Heaven
is their true home.
They thirst and yearn for God and are filled with His strength.
Their souls delight in worship and devotion to the Lord.
They are truly God-centered
(May this be said of each of us who are reading this devotional today!)
Take an honest look at your heart.
Would you consider yourself someone who is truly seeking after God?
We come to the heart of supplication at this point.
As we ask, seek, and knock, we come into fellowship with God.
Jesus wants us to grow in intimacy with Him.
This occurs as we turn our focus to Him, and allow Him to meet our needs and satisfy our longings.