Women In Discipleship
Weekly Devotionals for 2008
WALK OF GRACE - My Spiritual Service of Worship
(Taken from the Walk of Grace Study by Sandra J. Mikler Davis)
November - Week 1: Let's begin this devotional by praising God for:
- His lavish love for us
- The bounty of His mercy toward us
- And His glory as our holy, sovereign, and perfect Father!
Let's thank Him for:
- His grace poured out on us,
- Covering us with His righteousness in Jesus our Savior
Let's meditate on:
- His holiness,
- beauty,
- power,
- love,
- and justice.
Let's approach His throne to present our requests and confess:
- our thankfulness to have Him as our Father, Savior, and Lord
Finally, let's sing blessings to His name and adore Him for:
- His splendor,
- majesty,
- glory,
- and honor!
In everything give thanks. (1 Thessalonians 5:16)
Thanksgiving is a common theme throughout Scripture. In the weeks to come, we will study about giving thanks in all things. This will be a delightful theme in which to rejoice. As the Psalmist states in Psalm 118:1:
O give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good: because His mercy endureth forever.
God alone is worthy of continual thanksgiving, because He is the source of all things. He is beyond our comprehension. He wants us to give thanks for who He is, as we grow in understanding His majesty, power, glory, love, etc. Our thanksgiving must first be directed to God, before we can be thankful toward others. APPLICATION:
- How often do I take time to thank God simply for Who He is?
I will take time today to rejoice in thanksgiving.
Sandra Davis, for the team at Women in Discipleship