Women In Discipleship
Weekly Devotionals for 2009
TO BEAR HIS NAME - Weekly Insights into the Names of God
(Taken from the To Bear HIs Name Study by Sandra J. Mikler Davis)
(El) Elyon
Psalm 21:1-13 portrays El Elyon (God Most High) in a beautiful light. This Psalm of David reveals his heart for the One who protects, provides, and preserves His people. It is a Psalm is of acknowledgement and worship to the LORD Most High.
For the king trusts in the LORD, and through the lovingkindness of the Most High (El Elyon) he will not be shaken. Psalm 21:7
We can learn much from the words of the Most High. His wise directives are given to strengthen our lives and to help us in our daily circumstances. We see in a number of Psalms the power and wisdom of Most High. The wicked will always try and discredit that power. Asaph wrote about the contrast between those who acknowledge that the Most High knows and is active on the earth today and those who refuse to believe. Security is found only in the Sanctuary of God!
They say, ‘How does God know? And is there knowledge with the Most High?’ Until I came into the sanctuary of God; Then I perceived their end. Psalm 73:11, 17
- What is giving me fear today, and how can I apply my knowledge of the Most High to my situation?
- Take time to read Psalm 21 today and come into His sanctuary.
Sandra Davis, for the team at Women in Discipleship (sm)