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Weekly Devotional from May 4, 2009

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Women In Discipleship
Weekly Devotionals for 2009
Weekly Insights into the Names of God
(Taken from the To Bear HIs Name Study by Sandra J. Mikler Davis)
This year we have been looking at the names of God:
  • January - ADONAI = our Sovereign Ruler; Almighty Master; Lord over all!!
  • February - JEHOVAH = He is Self-existent, Eternal, Righteous, Holy, and YHWH-I = AM WHO I AM.
  • March - ELOHIM = He is the Creator God; actively involved in the world He made.
  • April - EL ELYON = signifies the exaltedness, supremacy, and overwhelming majesty of His deity.
This month we will look at another compound name for God: EL ROI
El = meaning God       Roi = meaning to see; sight; or appearance
We can learn much from the Scriptures regarding the ways of El Roi, for our God speaks of Himself in various passages:
Psalm 34:15 tells us that El Roi has a fondness and love for the righteous.

In Psalm 139, we see that the God who sees searches and knows me.
He also discerns my coming and going, and knows all my ways.
I cannot hide from Him.
He even saw me in my mother’s womb!
For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the LORD,
and He watches all his paths.  Proverbs 5:21

Dear Holy God,
I know that sometimes what You see of me is not all that You want me to be.
I confess to You that at times I take the easy way out of situations, or I just choose to not do anything about them.
Thank you for Your forgiveness, and please, God, help me to be strengthened for the week ahead.
A lot is happening in my life, and I ask that You give me a measure of Your strength to do what is right in Your eyes, so that I may be able to Bear Your Name in a manner that will bring glory and honor to You. Amen.
Sandra Davis, for the team at Women in Discipleship (sm)


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