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Weekly Devotional from August 10, 2009

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Women In Discipleship
Weekly Devotionals for 2009
Weekly Insights into the Names of God
(Taken from the To Bear HIs Name Study by Sandra J. Mikler Davis)
Jehovah-Rohi -- Week Two
LORD my Shepherd; the Great Shepherd
From the book: Names of God by Nathan Stone he quotes the following,
A recent traveler in Palestine observes:
'Shepherding does not change much in Palestine where wild beasts may descend still upon unprotected sheep and suddenly destroy them.
The Palestine shepherd lives night and day with his animals.
He establishes a degree of intimacy with them, which is touching to observe.
He calls them all by their names and they, knowing his voice and hearing his only, heed.
He protects the sheep from thieves and preying animals who would devour them at night, by sleeping in the opening of the often makeshift sheepfold and they, sensing his watchfulness, fear ‘no evil’.
He provides pasture and water even in the wilderness and the presence of enemies, and they, casting all their anxiety upon him, are fed.
There is a singular communion between the shepherd and his sheep which, after one has visited Palestine and observed it, makes the symbol of the good Shepherd peculiarly apt and the Twenty-third Psalm strangely moving.' 
(Taken from Around the Mediterranean with My Bible, Patterson, p. 142, 143)
With this in mind, we will begin this week by looking at Psalm 23:1-2:
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.
  • If the Lord is my Shepherd, do I believe He will supply my needs (not greeds)?
  • "Green pastures" and "quiet waters" denotes supplying needed nutrition in an atmosphere of rest, not anxiety and worry. How is God supplying for me today, and am I relying on Him for what I cannot see, or am I worried and trying to work it all out myself?
Sandra Davis, for the team at Women in Discipleship (sm)


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