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Weekly Devotional from August 8, 2011

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The Bible – Absolute Truth – Week 28
Finally brethren, pray for us that the WORD of the Lord
will spread rapidly and be glorified,
just as it did also with you.
2 Thessalonians 3:1


The WORD of the Lord is really the expression of God;
He is synonymous with His Word.
His Word in the Old Testament, out of His mouth,
His WORD in the New Testament in the Living Christ,
is synonymous with His person,
and God is glorified when His WORD is proclaimed.
(Quote by John MacArthur sermon: Obedience, Prayer, and Proclaiming the Word, code 1389)

The Apostle Paul was once a blasphemer and murderer, then, through the Damascus Road conversion, he became a Believer, follower and valiant witness of the WORD, Jesus the Living Christ. (John 1:14)

Paul would eventually die for his faith in Jesus.
His bold testimony to Absolute Truth begins our walk through history of faithful and true Believers in God and His Son, Jesus the Christ.
Paul knew the Word of Truth and proclaimed it powerfully until his death.
His mission was TRUTHBEARING and he fought the fight, finished the race and God gave to him the prize of Eternal Life with Christ in Heaven.


Proclaiming the Word of Truth is a Christian Duty.
  • How does your life reflect God and His Word to others?
  • What passage of His Word (Scripture) are you pondering in your heart today that can be useful as a Truthbearer to others?
Sandy Davis, for the team at Women In Discipleship (sm)
womenindiscipleship.org – P.O. Box 694, Goldenrod, FL, 32733 – (407) 325-2986


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