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The Bible – Absolute Truth – Week 32
In God I have put my trust.
I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?
Psalm 56:11

During the 300 year persecution from Rome, a number of church fathers stand out as TRUTH BEARERS.

Ignatius (AD 67-110)
A pupil of John - arrested in Antioch - taken to Rome for execution - wrote letter to Christians to not try and procure his pardon:

May the wild beasts be eager to rush upon me.
If they be unwilling I will compel them, only let me attain unto Christ.

Justin Martyr (AD100-167)
Born at Neapolis (Shechem), he wrote a defense of Christianity addressed to the Emperor - He died a martyr at Rome. His quote:

There is no race of men where prayers are not offered up in the name of Jesus.

Origen (AD 185-254)
The most learned man of the ancient church - 2/3rd of the New Testament is quoted in his writings - his father Leonidas, suffered martyrdom - later, in Palestine, he died as a result of imprisonment and torture under Decius.


Fear is often experienced in the face of danger.
  • How do you deal with fear and danger because of your faith?
These men of faith did not back down in their faith, even unto death!
Psalm 56 addresses trust in God. It’s a good read for today!
  • Is fear of man of more importance than fear of God?
  • Stop and think! What really can man do to you?!
Sandy Davis, for the team at Women In Discipleship (sm)
womenindiscipleship.org – P.O. Box 694, Goldenrod, FL, 32733 – (407) 325-2986


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