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Weekly Devotional from November 14, 2011

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The Bible – Absolute Truth – Week 42
Though they intended evil against You
and devised a plot, they will not succeed.
Psalm 21:11

The year 1993 - Colombia, South America:
The attacks on Christian missionary organizations continued.
In the U.S., a small ministry in Central Florida was being founded - later to be called Women in Discipleship, Inc.
Several ladies from a mission organization housed in Sanford, began to attend our discipleship gatherings at a local church.
As their stories began to be told, it was learned that missionaries from their organization had been seized and some martyred for their faith and witness of the Word of God. One lady shared that in her own area of ministry in Colombia, missionaries were fleeing because of the danger of capture and death.
It all became “real” to me as these ladies shared their stories.
Missionaries are on the “front lines” today and there are many who are suffering and dying for this precious Word of God.
The Rest Of The Story:
Recently (this past Spring) one mission family was allowed to return to the area where they once lived and shared the Gospel.
What satan had intended for evil has now been transformed into a vibrant ministry center.
The Seeds of God’s Word had been planted.
The evil one tried to destroy, BUT God indeed brings success - because today they are blossoming into a vibrant center for teaching God’s Word, and the Truth is being shared openly.

God is at work getting His Word out through people willing to surrender all and obey.
God’s Word never returns void!!!!
  • Do you love the Bible enough to read, study, commit it to memory, and share it?
Let’s do it today!
Sandy Davis, for the team at Women In Discipleship (sm)
womenindiscipleship.org – P.O. Box 694, Goldenrod, FL, 32733 – (407) 325-2986



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