The Bible – Absolute Truth – Week 43 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth... The LORD God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; ...now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers ...Pishon...Gihon...Tigris...and Euphrates. Genesis 1:1; 2:8a; 10, 11a; 13a,14a
Archaeological discoveries have, over the last two centuries, given valuable proofs to the authenticity of the Bible. The Christian "by faith" believes the Bible to be true and accurate. The Holy Spirit confirms in our hearts the true and living Word. For the remainder of the year, we will look at some interesting discoveries that confirm our faith:
The Cradle of Civilization (Mesopotamia), considered the center of the earth’s surface, is found in the Caucasus-Euphrates Region. With the beginning of Genesis, we know that One God created our world. Dr. Stephen Langdon, in 1931, found that the earliest Babylonian inscriptions suggest that man's first religion was a belief in One God. Later excavations at Modern Tell Asman 3000 BC confirmed Dr. Langdon's findings. Another finding back in 1898 by Sayce was amazing. In the British Museum are tablets dated to the time of Hammurabi. On three different stones was found the words Jahwe (Jehovah) is God. - See Exodus 3:14 (From Halley's Bible Handbook - p.62)
The Bible begins with the One True God in creation. 5000 years ago there were stone writings of this fact. The true Word of God stands the test of time!! Some say that seeing is believing, BUT God says:
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
- Which camp are you in today?
Sandy Davis, for the team at Women In Discipleship (sm) womenindiscipleship.org – P.O. Box 694, Goldenrod, FL, 32733 – (407) 325-2986