WEEK SEVEN Today you have a choice, no matter how simple or complicated it will be. You have the freedom to choose your attitude!
Encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called 'Today.'
Hebrews 3:13
Whatever our situation, we can choose the climate of our heart. We can choose the garment of praise ... Today is a precious possession. It’s a generous deposit in our life bank. One that’s here for 24 hours ... fill today with the three great basics of Christian living - faith, hope and love.
(Quote from Ruth Myer: 31 days of Encouragement, p.17)
Sandy Davis, for the team at Women In Discipleship (sm) womenindiscipleship.org – P.O. Box 694, Goldenrod, FL – 32733 – (407) 325-2986 sandydaviswid@earchlink.net