The Sermon on the Mount – A Sermon Like No Other Week 13 – Righteousness and Scripture Do not think that I came to abolish the Law and the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. (Matthew 5:17-18)
The continual flow of teaching that we have seen is now centering on the very heart of the Old Testament Scripture. Jesus is very clear about the whole Scripture being His Word! He tells the multitude that He is present in their world and that His mission is to fulfill His Word. Remember Genesis 3:15? He now states truly that redemption through Him will be accomplished. How profound and comforting His testimony is to us! His Word, His promises and His life give to us a gift beyond comprehension. Oh, what amazing love ... more will follow next week. Truth 12: The Bible – Old and New Testament, is God's Word. Jesus states clearly ... Don't undermine this Scripture ... It's Holy!
Blessings to all,
Sandy Davis, for the team at Women In Discipleship (sm) – P.O. Box 694, Goldenrod, FL – 32733 – (407) 325-2986