A Faithful Witness - Week Thirty-Two And there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon; and this man was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel; and the Holy Spirit was upon him. Luke 2:25
A theme continues to flow through the pages of Scripture regarding the characteristic of a faithful witness. We see it here in the life of Simeon. He was “righteous and devout.” He was an active participant in faith. He knew the Scripture prophecies of a Messiah and was a willing participant in the administration of faith in things ... as of yet unseen. His devotion to knowing God and practicing (Philippians 4:9) genuine faith yields him a place in the biblical fulfillment of Genesis 3:15. His focus was not earthly but Heavenly! He was in tune with God, not man. He saw the present with spiritual eyes. His faith was rewarded by God. He held the Messiah in his arms, blessed God and prophesied. (Luke 2:28-35) What is our focus today? Is it on the One who is to Come or is it on the temporary? May we be like Simeon and have an eternal perspective!
Blessings to all,
Sandy Davis, for the team at Women In Discipleship (sm) womenindiscipleship.org – P.O. Box 694, Goldenrod, FL – 32733 – (407) 325-2986 sandydaviswid@earchlink.net