A Faithful Witness - Week Forty Now Joseph, a Levite of Cypian birth, who was also called Barnabas by the apostles (which translated means Son of Encouragement), and who owned a tract of land, sold it and brought the money and laid it at the apostles feet. (Acts 4:36,37) Then when he (Barnabas) arrived and witnessed the grace of God; he rejoiced and began to encourage them all with resolute heart to remain true to the Lord; for he was a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. Acts 11:23-24a
Observation of living can reveal the true heart of a person. For Barnabas the revelation begins with his pocket book. One can learn much by the way money or possessions get dispersed. Barnabas was generous! He gave to the needs of the Christian community. Later we see why. His salvation story was being lived out in the places he traveled. 1) He was a witness to Christ. 2) He rejoiced in the gift of God’s grace. 3) He was true to the Words of Christ. 4) He was a good man. 5) He had faith. 6) And all this because the Holy Spirit was his Teacher. 7) He loved the people of God and wanted to encourage them! A faithful witness will demonstrate these qualities. Isn’t it a message for the ages? Let’s all be Barnabas Christians ... to the Glory of God alone!
Blessings to all,
Sandy Davis, for the team at Women In Discipleship (sm) womenindiscipleship.org – P.O. Box 694, Goldenrod, FL – 32733 – (407) 325-2986 sandydaviswid@earchlink.net