Heaven Is My Forever Home Devotionals for 2021 Week 14
When was the last time you took a walk in a lovely park, observed birds flying in the blue sky above, looked closely at a flower in bloom or saw a majestic landscape or a sunrise or sunset? When you do, what is it that you think about? I often ponder the pattern and intricate details of things in nature. Then I think of Genesis chapter 1 and marvel! God is so Grand! We have a wonder to behold in our own back yard, yet the best is yet to come! What will the perfect world look like? Can you just imagine the colors, sounds, smells and beauty?
Romans 8:22 states: Creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
Think about it; the whole earth (cosmos) is groaning, waiting for the day of liberation. As you plant your Spring flowers or tend your garden, thank God for the present reminder of His landscape and rejoice in wonder at the future waiting for us one fine day!
From my heart to yours, Sandra J. Mikler Davis for Women in Discipleship, inc. womenindiscipleship.org sandydaviswid@earthlink.net