Heaven Is My Forever Home Devotionals for 2021 Week 16
As I think about the many promises Jesus made while here on earth, there is one that I hold on to with great joy! You are very familiar with these words Jesus stated. In my Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that were I am you will be also. John 14:2-3
Jesus keeps His promises! This event stated above, is unique. The Rapture of the Church is coming soon. True believers (and you know the way that I am going..v.4) followers of faith in the life, death and resurrection will be taken from the earth in one quick action! After that moment there will begin a 7 year tribulation of evil. When Satan’s rule is complete, Jesus will return to set up His 1,000 year reign as King of Kings! This is the truth of this passage!
From my heart to yours, Sandra J. Mikler Davis for Women in Discipleship, inc. womenindiscipleship.org sandydaviswid@earthlink.net