Heaven Is My Forever Home Devotionals for 2021 Week 28
When I was writing a Bible Study on the Gospel of Mark many years ago, I became aware of a very strategic and ultimately essential text about our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ that is recorded at the beginning of His ministry. In Mark 1:14-15 we read: Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. The time has come He said, the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe in the Gospel.
Simply put, one must Repent of sin. Jesus knew that sin was the separation factor between God and man! So many in our day count on being good enough – as the solution to sin. People have been sold a lie to even think that being good is an option to God and His holiness! Good will never be good enough!
Preachers and teachers need to use Jesus's words – Repent and believe in the Gospel. Two calls – Repent and believe the Gospel. Jesus is the Gospel, all of Scripture points to Him and His Father. It's all true, it’s all perfect, and it’s the only Way to God’s Heaven!
Let’s be honest with one another about sin and the true Gospel! It’s eternal! Let's speak up!
From my heart to yours, Sandra J. Mikler Davis for Women in Discipleship, inc. womenindiscipleship.org sandydaviswid@earthlink.net