There are a number of components to the fiat (decrees) that God spoke. Please consider these thoughts of creation from a Biblical World View.
1) Creation was complete and immediate by the decrees (fiat) of the personal, omniscient, omnipotent Designer in six literal days.
2) The Hebrew word "yom" (day) is a literal 24 hour day – used in this way over 1,900 times out of more than 2,200 Old Testament occasions.
3) Consider also the words "evening and morning" which normally define a 24 hour day.
4) Last, consider the six days of creation followed by the day of rest – which is the basis of the Sabbath Law as found in Exodus 20:8-11 and 31:15-17.
Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the 7th day is a Sabbath of the LORD your God; for in 6 days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the 7th day; therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath Day and made it holy. Exodus 29:9, 10a, 11
From my heart to yours, Sandra J. Mikler Davis for Women in Discipleship, inc.