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Weekly Devotional from January 17, 2024

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Prayers from Scripture
Week Three
Believers pray for boldness.
Acts 4: 24- 29

V. 24. And when they heard this, they lifted their voices to God with one accord and said, “O Lord, it is You who MADE THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND THE SEA, AND ALL THAT IS IN THEM, V. 25. Who by the Holy Spirit, through the mouth of our father David Your servant, said, 'WHY DID THE GENTILES RAGE, AND THE PEOPLES DEVISE FUTILE THINGS? V. 26. 'THE KINGS OF THE EARTH TOOK THEIR STAND, AND THE RULERS WERE GATHERED TOGETHER AGAINST THE LORD AND AGAINST HIS CHRIST.' V. 27. "For truly in this city there were gathered together against Your holy servant Jesus, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, V. 28. to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose predestined to occur. V. 29. "And now, Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that Your bond-servants may speak Your word with all confidence,
May we have boldness to pray and believe as these Christians did in their day of trouble and fear!
From my heart to yours,
Sandra J. Mikler Davis
Director, Women in Discipleship, inc.


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