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Online Bible Study


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Online Bible Study

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Bible Study Instruction Sheet


We at Women in Discipleship value time spent in the study of God's Word. Our desire is to offer you an experience of personal quiet time and spiritual growth in the study of Women of Faith.


We offer this study to you as a gift. If you desire to use it for a small group, just let us know so we can offer encouragement to you.


The following suggestions are to help you personally, or with others who may come along with you to learn of God and share in fellowship.


  1. First, there are rules for sharing. For a healthy small group you would benefit greatly by having these four elements incorporated in your group. It is also a wonderful guide for personal time with the Lord. Remember that worship, sharing, prayer, and Bible study are the four-part harmony of Women in Discipleship. The rules for sharing are very important for a healthy group to be fruitful to the Lord.
    (If you would like a copy just e-mail us, and we will forward one to you.)
  2. The study is divided into weekly sessions. This is for use in a small group setting. If you are doing this as a personal study, you can have one devotional per day for five days each week.
  3. The questions are designed for you to step away with the Lord and listen to Him teach you how to Walk by Faith. The Bible is His instruction book for us and is useful for all our needs and desires -- but most importantly for fellowship with Himself.
  4. Pray before you approach these study times. The Holy Spirit is our instructor. He desires to teach us so that we may be truly worthy.
  5. If you choose to use this study as a tool to help others in their walk of faith, it is the desire of Women in Discipleship to help you in that process. This material is the sole property of Women in Discipleship and is not to be reproduced in any form without written permission first. For personal online use, you may print the study out. (This is for your personal use.) If you decide to use it for a small group study please contact our office for permission.
  6. Women in Discipleship is a Christian Non-profit Ministry and is operated by the support of people who have benefited through this ministry. If you are one of these who have benefited please contact us and let us know.
  7. Women in Discipleship offers leadership training for women who would like to begin a women's discipleship group. Contact our office for details. We desire to share with you how wonderful it is to have a healthy women's ministry. We are willing to travel to your church for this event. We also offer women's retreats to ladies who would like to experience intimacy with God and friendship-building with one another.
  8. For information and a current brochure you may contact us at any time. We send out quarterly newsletters and would like to add you to our mailing list.

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phone:  (407) 325-2986


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