- Read Genesis 25:19-34. From verse 21, what was Rebekah's difficulty?
- What did Isaac do about this problem, and what was the result?
- The pregnancy was a difficult one. What did Rebekah do about it? (give verses)
- What response did she receive?
- How old was Isaac when he was given these children? (v.26)
- Describe the two boys and which parent was attached to each one. (vv.27-28)
- Read Genesis 26:1-6. What blessing did Isaac receive from God?
- From Genesis 26:7-11, describe the sin of Isaac and the mercy of God in protecting Rebekah. Have you heard this lie before? From whom?
- God can use barrenness for blessing. How has God used a difficulty or season of sorrow or pain in your life to bring blessing to Him, you, and others? Be specific!
- Prayer is God's way of allowing us to have conversation with Him. What does prayer mean to you? If it's something important then why don't you do more of it?
- Showing favoritism is not part of who God is! How are you being unfair in your opinion or relationship with someone else?
- Sin can beget sin from one generation to another. What are you dealing with from the past that needs repentance, faith, and freedom today?