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Sarai - Sarah - Day 1

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From Barrenness to Blessedness
Sarai - Sarah - Week 1
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  • Day 2 (Tuesday)
  • Day 3 (Wednesday)
  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)
  • Day 6 (Saturday)

  • Rebekah - Week 2
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  • Rachel and Leah - Week 3
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  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)

  • Manoah's wife; Hannah - Week 4
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  • Elizabeth - Week 5
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  • Day 5 (Friday)

  • Israel, The Church, the Bride of Christ - Week 6
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    Sarai - Sarah


    - Sarah was Abraham's wife. (Gen. 11:29)
    - Abraham was Sarah's half-brother. (Gen. 20:12)
    - Sarah was barren until the age of 90. (Gen. 17:17)
    - Sarah was one of a select few who was given a miracle-birth child. (Gen. 18:10-11)
    - Sarai's name was changed to Sarah. Both names can mean "princess" or "beautiful to look upon." (Gen. 17:15)
    - Sarah's changed name emphasized the new meaning, "mother of nations." (Gen. 17:15)
    - Sarah lived 127 years. She was the only woman whose age at death is recorded. (Gen. 23:1)

    With the above information regarding Sarah, let us now look into Scripture to learn what God desires for
    our lives from these significant passages.


    1. Read the story of Sarah from Genesis 11:26--23:20 in one sitting. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give you insight and application for your life.
    2. Read Genesis 11:27-32 and list the details you learn about Sarai.
    3. Read Genesis 12:1-9. Abram, Sarai, and their family had settled in Haran for a season then were on the move again. Why?
    4. Look on a map and trace the journey of Abram, Sarai, and their family from Ur to Egypt. How many miles was it approximately?
    5. What significance do you see in this form of travel for Sarai compared to today or 100 years ago?


    1. Sarai traveled from Ur to Egypt because this was the command of her husband. What have you done recently because your spouse, parents, or job required it of you?
    2. How was your attitude?
    3. The Lord said for them to "go" (Gen. 12:1-2). In what area of your life is the Lord telling you to "go" today?


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