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Elizabeth - Day 5

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  • Elizabeth - Week 5
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  • Day 4 (Thursday)
  • Day 5 (Friday)

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    1. Describe John's life from Luke 1:80.

    For Further Study:

    1. With the miraculous birth of John to Elizabeth and Zechariah, who were of the house of Aaron, there came a completion, fulfillment, or ending of something. What was it? (Luke 16:16; Matt. 11:13)

    2. From Matthew 11:11, what does "yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he" mean? (Eph. 5:25-27, 32; John 3:29)

    3. Read Malachi 3:1 and explain it in light of this study on Elizabeth and her son John, who was the forerunner to the Messiah. When was Malachi written?


    1. Life is only at its best when the believer allows the Holy Spirit to be in control. How is your life today? Are you surrendered to the will of the Holy Spirit?

    2. Mothers have the wonderful opportunity to demonstrate Christ's love to their children. What sphere of influence do you have where you can impact someone else for Christ?

    3. John's prophecies and the Old Covenant were fulfilled when Jesus arrived and brought the New Covenant to earth. In what area of thinking are you still living in the Old Covenant? Jesus is the New Covenant of forgiveness and redemption. How are you living for Him in the New Covenant relationship?


    From Elizabeth's story, we see a humble, joyful, and grateful life. This woman--the wife of Zechariah, from the family of Aaron, righteous in the sight of God, and walking blamelessly in the commandments--was once barren. Then by miraculous intervention she became fruitful for the Lord. She was joyful in her life's mission and was privileged to be available and useful to God as the mother of John the Baptist.

    This woman, advanced in years, was watching and waiting for the Messiah. She and her husband knew the promises of God, and God blessed them. Their prayer for a child was heard by God, and His answer came in a most unusual manner. Elizabeth was a woman who knew how to recognize God in her life. The gift she was given was a blessing beyond anything she could have hoped for.

    Elizabeth's cousin Mary visited her, and in that meeting, Elizabeth (filled with the Holy Spirit) was blessed. She had the privilege to fellowship with Mary, a woman blessed by God to carry the Messiah. These two women brought much joy to one another. The bond of their friendship was small in comparison, however, to that of Jesus and John, even from the womb.

    God's faithfulness to bless the lowly and the barren is a joyous demonstration of His unfailing mercy on His children. We are blessed to share in their joy.



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