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Manoah's wife; Hannah - Day 2

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From Barrenness to Blessedness
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  • Manoah's wife; Hannah - Week 4
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    1. Read Judges 13:15-23. What was Manoah's question to this mystery man?

    2. How did the angel of the LORD answer this question?

      WONDERFUL (#6383) Meaning: Incomprehensible. This is one of the titles for the Messiah. A wonder, miracle. (Lexicon, p. 1765) This visit is called a Christophany, a time in the Old Testament when Jesus Christ appeared in bodily form.

    3. Describe what happened with the sacrifice in Judges 13:19-20.

    4. How did this event compel Manoah and his wife to act in their future?

    5. Whose wisdom was stronger after this miraculous revelation? (v.23)

    6. Was the LORD's message true? (vv.24-25)

    7. From Judges 14:1-4, describe the obedient attitude of Samson's mother and father to keep his Nazarite vow intact as directed by the LORD.


    1. God is always available to answer our questions. (Matt. 7:7-11) What have you asked the LORD to explain to you today?

    2. God requires that we offer our lives to Him in surrender as a spiritual act of worship. (Phil. 3:1; Rom. 12:1-2) What in your life do you have to offer the LORD in worship and praise?

    3. God desires for us to believe Him by faith! (Heb. 11:1-2) What area of your life are you moving forward in by faith right now?

    4. God is true and the only eternal truth! (Jer. 4:2; Zech. 8:8; John 4:23-24, 17:17) Do you believe God and all His Word?

    5. God desires obedience to accompany faith! (Rom. 1:5; Acts 6:7) How has disobedience brought distance between you and God? Seek His forgiveness NOW! (I John 1:9)

    Manoah's wife was a woman of confidence. She was blessed by God with a heavenly visitor. She had a similar experience to Mary, the mother of Jesus. She was visited by "Wonderful," Jesus Himself. She had the joy of two such visits, and the second one was shared with her husband as well. This awesome visit must have kept the couple in obedient discipline all their lives. They obediently observed every detail of their call for Samson, who was a special boy. In the end, God's plan was revealed. Although Samson's life had its controversies, his parents, especially his mother, were blessed by having this child out of barrenness.

    The LORD speaks to us today in many ways. The most significant and compelling way is through His Holy Word, the Bible. May we listen carefully and diligently to hear what He has to say to each of us today and every day.


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