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Elizabeth - Day 4

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    1. How long did Mary visit with Elizabeth? (Luke 1:56) Give your best estimate of the month of pregnancy each woman was in at this time.

    2. Describe the scene when Elizabeth gave birth. (vv.57-58)

    3. Were the angel's words to her correct? (v.14)

    4. On the eighth day after John's birth, circumcision took place. The custom was to name the firstborn son after the father. What did Elizabeth say about naming the baby? (Luke 1:59-66)

    5. How did Zechariah respond?

    6. How did writing John's name on the tablet bring freedom and joy for Zechariah?

    7. After Zechariah's tongue was loosened, what immediately followed? (v.64)

    8. What happened to Zechariah in verse 67?

    9. How did this prophecy confirm "believing faith" in Zechariah for his son and the Messiah his son would prepare the way for?

    10. Were those nine months of silence productive for Zechariah?

    11. What are you walking through right now that has kept you silent in order to allow God to move you in obedience and faith?


    1. God's promises, when fulfilled, always bring joy, gladness, and praise! The joy of the Lord is your strength. Have you claimed His promises for yourself today?

    2. True prophecy comes only through the Holy Spirit. How careful are you regarding prophecy today? Do you measure what you hear by the Word of God?

    3. Sometimes learning requires a time of humiliation and being quiet before the Lord. When was the last time you were quiet before the Lord, waiting in anticipation to hear Him speak to you?



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