DAY TWO "The Church" Isaiah 54:11-17, 55:1-13
- Read Isaiah 54:11-17 and describe the loveliness of this new city. (Heb. 12:18-24; Rev. 21:1-27)
- In Hebrews 12:23, what is meant by the "church of the firstborn"? Who are they, and how does this tie into Israel as the firstborn from the Old Testament passages?
- Read Isaiah 55:1-13. Ask God to show you who Isaiah was writing to. (key verses: 3, 4, 13b)
(Jer. 29:10-14)
- The new Jerusalem is real and will be established one day! Are you eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new Jerusalem and Christ's return?
- The Church of the firstborn is the Church of the New Covenant, which was established by Jesus to the glory of God. Those who believe in Jesus are God's children. Write a prayer praising God that you are His child.
- God's firstborn, Israel, is promised everlasting blessings (along with those who believe in Jesus).
Do you know a Jew who needs to be introduced to Jesus? Pray about your witness to that person, and then just do it!