- Rebekah was a woman of hospitality and gentle caring. Early in her story we see her willingness to serve by watering the multitude of camels that Abraham's servant had brought. Later, she demonstrated a tenderness toward Jacob that is worth noting. Her desire to see justice for Jacob became clouded, and her impatience with her husband Isaac caused her great sorrow.
Read Romans 9:10-13 where Rebekah is mentioned. What does it say?
Rebekah had the privilege of hearing God speak to her. He told her that her younger son would be the son of blessing. God knew what would take place. It would have been best for Rebekah to follow His way, but in His eternal power God still turned a woman's impulsive, impatient behavior into the blessing we read about today. God dealt fairly with Rebekah and disciplined her for her scheme with Jacob. She is not mentioned again in Scripture except to say that she was buried along with her relatives in the cave that Abraham had purchased. (Gen. 49:31)
From Hebrews 12:1-13, we learn that actions have consequences and that a loving God disciplines His children. We can see that both Rebekah and Jacob received fair discipline from God for their sinful actions. What must God do in your life today to discipline you? He loves you with an everlasting love. We have every reason to be thankful for God our Father who cares that much for us!
Rebekah ran ahead of God in seeking the blessing for her son Jacob. However, in her youth she was willing to face the unknown in order to experience God's blessing. God gave her a miracle pregnancy in answer to prayer. He also spoke to her when she was pregnant. God knew Rebekah's heart. For that reason, He blessed barren Rebekah with two children. Though they became enemies at one point, in the end they lived in restoration and peace.
Take some time today to ask God where you most need to trust Him for His provision in your present circumstances. Seek Him in prayer and respond like Rebekah with "I will go." Listen expectantly to Him for His answer!