Zechariah did survive the temple visit. In this experience he was given the opportunity to witness firsthand the working of God in the life of His people. He also had the great joy of knowing his prayer regarding a child had been heard. (Luke 1:13) Zechariah, like Abraham, was old. Elizabeth, like Sarah, was also past child-bearing years. As with Abraham and Sarah, this New Testament couple was given a name for their child before he was conceived. Like Isaac, John was a special man who brought a wake up call to his nation and to the world that the Messiah was coming.
- Read Luke 1:23-25. What miracle took place for Zechariah and Elizabeth?
- What did Elizabeth do when she realized she was pregnant?
- What were her words in verse 25?
- What did she emphasize about how people viewed her and what God had done for her?
- While in seclusion, what must Elizabeth have pondered?
- God is able to do anything. What have you asked of God sincerely and persistently that seems impossible?
- Quiet reflection is healthy for the Christian. When have you taken time to quietly reflect on God's goodness toward you? What was the result?
- What man sees and what God sees are usually opposite. What are you seeing through human eyes that may be different in God's eyes?