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Rahab - Day 3

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The Blessedness of Believing
Rahab - Week 1
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  • Ruth - Week 2
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  • Widow of Zarephath; Widow with Oil; Shunammite Woman - Week 3
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  • Mary the Mother of Jesus - Week 4
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  • Anna; Syrophoenician Woman; Mary and Martha - Week 5
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  • Mary Magdalene; Samaritan Woman - Week 6
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  • Tabitha (Dorcas); Lois and Eunice - Week 7
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  • Widow of Zarephath - Week 7
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    At this point in the story, the men of Jericho were out on the road pursuing the two Israelite spies. The gate to the city was closed. Rahab had led the pursuers away, next she went to the spies and let them know they were safe.

    1. Read Joshua 2:8-14. What did Rahab tell the spies about her people? (vv.9-11)

    2. Describe the terror of her people from verse 11. Why were they filled with fear? (Does this explain why the men closed the gate quickly after the pursuers left to hunt for the spies?)

    3. What did Rahab plead for in verses 12-13?

    4. How did the two spies respond to Rahab's plea? (v.14)

    5. As Rahab spoke about the terror of her people, she referred to the LORD several times. Describe Rahab's reverence and fear of the LORD from verses 9-12. Note verse 11, and explain her faith.

    Rahab was a woman who was well aware of her circumstances. She was informed of all that had taken place in that part of the world up until that time. She was considered a "harlot." In that particular role, she was involved with many nationalities and types of people. She must have heard many stories of compelling interest and concern, including those of the nation of Israel and their exodus from Egypt. The stories of the battles must have also been a concern to Rahab's people. All the men lost courage through hearing the stories (nightmares) of the Israelites, and all the people in Jericho were terrified.

    This is a good example of how God uses His power to work for the good of His people in the course of history. In revealing to the spies the terror of her people, Rahab was giving military advantage to the nation of Israel. She knew in her heart that their God was the God of the universe. She was not afraid to profess her belief in Him and to plead with these men regarding her welfare and that of her family. To her, national loyalty came second to correct spiritual alignment.


    1. Terror of God is true terror. When have you been confronted with a situation that was terrible, in the sense that it brought true fear into your heart? How were you able to deal with it?

    2. The LORD is God over the heavens, the earth, and the universe. Choose this day whom you will serve. Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." (John 14:6) Do you recognize God as LORD over all creation and over every area of your life?


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