The Syrophoenician Woman
Today we'll study the story of this unique woman of Gentile birth. As you read about her, consider the difficulty she must have encountered as a foreigner among the Jews. How must she have felt after Jesus' seemingly unfriendly response to her request? Pray for spiritual insight as you study.
- Read Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:24-30. From the account in Matthew, describe the woman's request to Jesus. (vv.22, 25)
- What did the disciples want Jesus to do? (v.23)
- How did Jesus respond in verses 24 and 26?
- Why do you think Jesus said these things to this Gentile woman? Examine Jeremiah 50:6, Ezekial 34:8-16, and Matthew 10:5-6 to help with your answer.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd. (Heb. 13:20; 1 Peter 5:4) He came to fulfill His call as Savior. His first duty and desire was to bring redemption to His own people, the Jews. He was born into a Jewish family, and He was a practicing Jew. His ministry was first to call back all of the lost children of Israel. (Ezek. 34) In addition, He discipled 12 men who would take the message of salvation to all people. (Matt. 28:18-20) Jesus had a special association with His own tribe, nation, and people. The family we belong to is usually the first place that we share who we are in Christ. Jesus was doing what He was called to do. We can learn from His example.
- How did the Syrophoenician woman respond to Jesus? (v.27) What do you think of her answer?
- What was Jesus' response to her?
- How does Hebrews 11:1 describe this woman's faith?
- Now read the account in Mark 7:24-30, and add any new insights you gain.
Jesus was the Messiah the Jews had hoped for, prayed for, and longed for for centuries. Jesus came to first bring good news to these desolate people. Along the way, Jesus touched many lives with His healing and salvation. With this woman, Jesus held back until it was the perfect time to reveal Himself and the power of God for the healing.
This woman's prayer was directed correctly. 1. She knew Jesus was the Lord and the Messiah. 2. She was humble before Him. 3. She prayed earnestly and persistently, speaking directly to the heart of the Good Shepherd. 4. She didn't give up but instead persisted with a humble, yet wise answer to Jesus' reply.
Jesus allowed this woman's difficulty in order to bring glory to God, to bring us to a deeper faith, to reveal to the world who Jesus is, and to lead some to accept His free gift of salvation. (Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 6:23) Her story also teaches us that faith is not a feeling, but it is belief in Jesus as the Messiah.
- God heals in His time. Are you trusting God's timing in your life right now?
- Persistence in prayer yields fruitfulness. How persistent are you in prayer about your requests?
- Faith in Christ brings life and peace. What lesson about faith have you learned this week?