Widow of Zarephath Widow with Oil Shunammite Woman
This week we'll focus on three women who lived in the Old Testament during the reign of the kings of Israel. These women each have a unique story to tell. The Blessedness of Believing for them came through miraculous healing and provision. These women faced difficult challenges and are remembered for their faith and determination to believe God for His healing and help.
As we begin, let's remember to ask the Holy Spirit to guide us as we study His Word, so we may apply what we have learned to our lives this week.
1 Kings is a history of the kings of Israel from the reign of Saul through that of Solomon and his son, Rehoboam. During Solomon's reign, he slipped into a wayward human lifestyle. He departed from God's protection into human understanding. When he died, his son Jeroboam digressed even more (chapter 12) and the kingdom split in two. As you read 1 Kings, you'll see the pattern the writer develops regarding good kings and bad kings. The Northern Kingdom, led by Jeroboam, became apostate. This kingdom eventually was destroyed because of its lack of spiritual direction. The Southern Kingdom was more penitent and continued for a while because of that repentance. Eventually, it was also taken into captivity because of sin and unbelief.
As you begin this study, picture the nation of Israel in civil war. The Northern Kingdom (Israel) was ruled by Ahab; the Southern Kingdom (Judah) was ruled by Asa. (1 Kings 16:29-34)
Widow of Zarephath
- Read 1 Kings 17:1-16. Who was Elijah speaking for, and who was he speaking to? (v.1)
- What did the LORD tell Elijah to do in verses 2-4?
- What eventually happened according to the prophecy of verse 1? (v.7)
- Was God true to His word? (Jer. 23:28)
- What did the LORD tell Elijah next? (vv.8-9)
- What does 1 Kings 19:4, 9 tell you about God?
- Describe the widow of Zarephath from verses 9-16. (Luke 4:24-26)
- How long did God provide for Elijah, the widow, and her son? (Luke 4:25)
Elijah was commissioned by God to tell King Ahab what would befall him and his kingdom in the years ahead. Ahab had married Jezebel, an evil woman from Sidon. King Ahab was weak. He followed Jezebel's pagan religion and allowed it to take control in his kingdom. Because of this idolatry, consequences of drought and famine followed. King Ahab was aware of Elijah, because in 1 Kings 18:17 he called him the "troubler of Israel." Elijah was a prophet used by God to speak to a nation that had become fully wicked.
Look up Luke 1:17. Luke said a man like Elijah would come in the same way and turn the hearts of the people from wickedness and disobedience back to righteousness. John the Baptist, like Elijah and Moses, was used by God to give a wake up call to the people to repent and call upon the Messiah, Jesus, to be purified and healed.
- God provides for all people out of His abundance. How has God revealed His abundance in your life today? What means is God using to provide for your needs?
- It is the LORD who directs the path of His faithful ones. How is God directing you in your life right now?
- The word of the LORD is true. Walking by faith (believing God) yields blessing and reward. In what area of your life are you walking by faith today that will lead to blessing and reward?