- Read through Joshua chapters 3, 4, and 5. Write a brief description of the theme of each chapter.
Joshua 3: Joshua 4: Joshua 5:
- Read Joshua 6:1-5, and write the directions the LORD gave to Joshua for the strategy of victory over Jericho.
- According to Joshua 6:6-11, what instructions did Joshua give to the men of Israel?
- How many days were they supposed to follow these commands from the Lord? Did they obey?
- Why do you think God told them to remain silent for so long? (v.10)
- What were they to do on the seventh day? (vv.15-21)
- What did Joshua tell the two spies to do in 6:22-23?
- Describe who the two men found, and what they did on Rahab's behalf. Where did they take them?
- Compare Joshua 6:25, Matthew 1:5, and Hebrews 11:31. What is said about Rahab in these passages?
- God remembers the faithful one in any tribe or nation who believes in Him and does His will. God calls people from every tribe, tongue, peoples, and nations to come to Him in faith. Have you heard His call on your life today? Have you shared His good news with someone who needs to hear it?
- God's grace continues to be showered upon those who believe. Have you thanked God today for His grace through Jesus Christ His son?
The story of Rahab is one that continues to bless people today. This woman could have perished along with all the other people she lived with. The terror of God had come over her people. They could have taken a forward step of faith like Rahab and been included in this story. Instead they chose to live in fear and ended up like the lost of the world. Hebrews 11:31 says, "By faith Rahab the harlot did not perish along with those who were disobedient, after she had welcomed the spies in peace." She, along with her family, chose to follow the God of the universe and live. She demonstrated her belief in God, and it was credited to her as righteousness.
Rahab was a woman who was not afraid to ask God, through the two spies, to save her from the doom to come. She was open to the possibilities of God and was not afraid to act upon those possibilities. She is mentioned in James 2:25. "In the same way, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way?" James recognized that Rahab was a woman who had moved from knowing about God to believing God and claiming Him as her God. He recognized that she was willing and able to move into service by helping the spies. She was faithful in her belief to do as she had said, and God honored this non-Israelite woman. She had the great privilege of being the mother of Boaz, who was the husband of Ruth, who was the grandmother of David, a man after God's own heart. Wow! What an honor this was for someone who began as a harlot! That is God's grace! He is so good. We are so blessed. Praise be to God!