Mary Magdalene
We began the week looking into the life of Mary Magdalene, a woman who was healed from demon possession. She became a woman filled with gratitude and devotion to Jesus her Savior, Messiah, and Lord. She was not specifically mentioned again until those final days of pain and agony when Jesus fulfilled His call on earth by dying for the sins of the whole world. Let's resume Mary's story.
- Read Matthew 27:45-61. Who is mentioned in verse 56? Who was present at the cross and also observed Jesus' burial?
- From Matthew 28:1-10, describe the events of resurrection day from Mary Magdalene's perspective.
- What more do we learn from Mark 16:1-11?
- Read Luke 24:1-12, and add what you observe about the women mentioned there.
- God created women to be caring and compassionate; He sees them as such. How do you think God sees you? What is your opinion based on?
- Women were active participants in witnessing the burial and resurrection of Jesus because they were following Him to the end. Are you willing to follow Christ by faith even when everything looks dark? Are worship and service things you do to honor the Lord Jesus?