Mary and Martha
- Read Luke 10:38-42. How did Jesus come to be in this home?
- What did Jesus do while He was there? (v.39)
- What were each of these two women doing?
- Look up the following verses and explain them.
1 Corinthians 7:35:
Luke 12:29-31:
"Distract" in this verse means "cumbered" in the Greek. (Greek Dictionary, p.57)
The term "preparations" in Greek is the word diakonia, which means service or assistance. (Lexicon, p.1821)
It appears that Jesus was at home among these individuals. When Martha invited Jesus into their home, the hospitality was received as if they were family. (Matt. 12:46-50) When Martha's service became sinful, Jesus used the opportunity to teach everyone about the distractions to true fellowship. Martha had a heart for service. After all, her gift of hospitality was given to her by God. Her service was not the problem. The problem was her attitude and her priorities.
Jesus had recently reminded His followers that "you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind." (Luke 10:27) When things cause us to be distracted from our love and devotion to God, then sin can enter in. Jesus wanted Martha (and each of us as well) to learn this important lesson.
- What was the one thing that was needful that Mary was doing?
(Matt. 6:33-34)
- Distractions are things that take our focus off God. What is distracting you from God today?
How can you refocus on fellowship with Him?