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Mary Magdalene; Samaritan Woman - Day 5

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  • Mary Magdalene; Samaritan Woman - Week 6
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    1. Read John 20:10-18. What did Mary do in this passage?

    2. Describe her conversation with the angels. Why do you suppose she wasn't moved by what they said to her?

      From commentaries on the different accounts in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, it appears that these angels were like the angels in the Old Testament who appeared as men. It is true that they were clothed in brilliant white, but Mary was still not convinced Jesus had risen. She thought some conspiracy to steal Jesus had taken place. Her reaction was stronger than just weeping, it was more like wailing. She was overwhelmed by Jesus' disappearance, and it seems like she was left alone in her despair.

    3. What occurred in verse 14? Why do you think Mary didn't recognize Jesus?

    4. From the conversation in verse 15, what did Mary think had happened?

    5. When did Mary realize it was Jesus? (John 10:3-4)

    6. What was Jesus' response to Mary's desire to touch Him?

      The translation here "stop clinging to me" is more accurately translated "do not continue touching me." Jesus was more interested in Mary believing in Him as the God-Man than as a Man-God. His physical body would be ascended soon, and the Holy Spirit would come down and spiritually be deposited within her. The transition would be a difficult one, but by faith (believing) she would move forward in confidence because what Jesus had taught her would be revealed to her as truth by the Holy Spirit.

    7. What did Jesus instruct her to do at this time? (v.17) Did she do it?

    8. Look up Acts 1:12-14. Did Mary continue on with the brethren?


    1. Jesus rose from the dead just as He said He would, and He appeared to many people after His resurrection. What has Jesus said to be true, and in your life you have been a witness to that truth?

    2. Mary was blessed to be the first to see Jesus after His resurrection. How does Jesus appear to His people today? When will we next see Jesus?


    Mary Magdalene and the Samaritan woman both were touched by Jesus and healed from their past. Jesus was delighted to reveal Himself to them, and they believed in Him as the Messiah. When the time was right Jesus revealed Himself and His call to bring redemption to a world that was (and is) out of control. Salvation required one thing, a perfect Passover lamb, a perfect life in exchange for all the sins of the world. No human being could fulfill that unreachable goal. Jesus, God's only begotten Son, was that perfect Passover lamb.

    Mary came to know Jesus, and she followed Him with total surrender, humility, and love. The Samaritan woman also proclaimed Jesus as Savior. Though a wicked and sensual woman, she recognized her need for cleansing. In gratitude and bold conviction, she invited all her townspeople to come meet this man who knew her as none other had.

    Jesus, full of compassion and determination, fulfilled the call of His life. Spiritual food was His most hearty nourishment as He shared the hope of heaven with the soiled, unclean, and burdened masses. How blessed we are to see the goodness of a merciful God and His son, our Savior and Messiah, Jesus Christ! As part of the burdened masses, we can now join these Women Of Faith as redeemed children of the Messiah, King, and Savior, Jesus our Lord.



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